Did you know that according to the United Nations, in most developed countries the official unemployment rate for persons with disabilities of working age is at least twice that for those who have no disability? YACRO's Social Enterprises is comprised of three entities, The Shanty Cafe (www.shantycafe.ca), and The Store Next Door in Yarmouth, and All-Ways-Us (www.allwaysus.com) in Dartmouth. Our mission is to create sustainable employment for people with disabilities while reusing and recycling where possible. As 2019 approaches and you consider your resolutions, how about using less plastic, committing to recycling where possible and remembering that everyone, fat, thin, Canadian, Asian, African American, disabled, smart, tall or short deserves the right to work and play together. You can be part of a change everyday by being nice and being respectful to everyone. Remember...."the world is run by those who show up....please show up in 2019"